Annual Tree Lighting @ the Town Green
5:30 PM17:30

Annual Tree Lighting @ the Town Green

The Willington Historical Society hopes you can welcome in the Christmas season by attending the Annual Tree Lighting event on the Town Green on Friday, Dec. 6th at 6:00 p.m. The Glazier Tavern will be open for refreshments and warmth from our fireplaces. 

If you are able to provide any baked goods, or help with set-up or clean-up for the Open House at the Tavern, please contact Sue Schur at .  We will be setting up at the Tavern at approximately 5:30 p.m.

We hope to see you soon!!

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Current Excavation of S. Glastonbury CT Gilbert - Hollister Site
6:30 PM18:30

Current Excavation of S. Glastonbury CT Gilbert - Hollister Site

Archaeology at the 17th-Century Hollister Site, Glastonbury, Connecticut

Since 2015, the Office of State Archaeology has been conducting research excavations at the Lt. John Hollister Site, a large, well-preserved 17th-century farm complex on the Connecticut River in Glastonbury. The work was initiated by the late State Archaeologist Brian Jones as a public archaeology project and continues today.  Using a combination of remote sensing techniques and archaeological survey and excavation, the buried remains of houses, outbuildings, and numerous other cultural features have been identified. When first established around 1650, the Hollister Site was on the Connecticut frontier, in an area where the wealthy residents of Wethersfield owned large farms that were often managed by tenants.  The Hollister site tells the stories of two families: the Gilberts, who were tenant farmers (1651-1663) and the Hollisters, who eventually settled on the property and operated it as a prosperous farm in the latter part of the 17th century (1667-1710).  Archaeological materials recovered and analyzed to date help us understand the daily lives of these families who were among Connecticut’s earliest European settlers. The materials shed light on their food, labor, material possessions, and their multifaceted relationships with their Indigenous neighbors. Continuing research at the site will help to clarify the complex social, political, and economic worlds of 17th-century Connecticut.

Join us at the Willington Public Library at 7 Ruby Road, Willington for this engrossing presentation.  The event is free and light refreshments will be served.

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Historical Moments-Military Contributions of African Americans
3:00 PM15:00

Historical Moments-Military Contributions of African Americans

He wrote the book “Historical Moments - Military Contributions of African Americans,” which was published in 2020. This book is a brief look at individuals from the Revolutionary times onward in America’s history. It is Robert’s hope that the information he shares will encourage all of us to explore more of America’s history. America’s history includes all Americans.

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Six Things Everyone Should Know  About the Native American  Archaeology of Connecticut with Dr. Sarah Sportman
7:00 PM19:00

Six Things Everyone Should Know About the Native American Archaeology of Connecticut with Dr. Sarah Sportman

The Willington Historical Society invites you to a special presentation by State Archaeologist, Sarah Sportman, who will discuss “Six Things Everyone Should Know About Native American Archaeology of Connecticut”, on Thursday, March 30th, at 7:00 p.m. at the Willington Public Library.

Dr. Sportman, has held the position of CT State Archaeologist since 2020. She has more than 20 years of experience in the archaeology of North Eastern North America. Her interests lie in the historic period and pre-contact Native American archaeology of the Northeast United States, public archaeology, zooarchaeology, ethnohistory, Native American history, colonial period New England history as well as 19th century immigration and labor history. This list does not include all of her areas of expertise and her experience in this field is too lengthy to include in its entirety. Information about Dr. Sportman is available online at:

We hope you can join us for this informative program.

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November Society Meeting (Open to the Public)
7:00 PM19:00

November Society Meeting (Open to the Public)

  • Town Office Building (or Zoom) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Society meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7 pm. The meetings are open to all those interested in the history of Willington and the ongoing activities of the Society.

During the current Covid-19 situation, all meeting are being held remotely on ZOOM. Check the Society Website or Facebook for meeting entry information several days prior to the scheduled meeting date.

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October Society Meeting (Open to the Public)
7:00 PM19:00

October Society Meeting (Open to the Public)

  • Town Office Building (or Zoom) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Society meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7 pm. The meetings are open to all those interested in the history of Willington and the ongoing activities of the Society.

During the current Covid-19 situation, all meeting are being held remotely on ZOOM. Check the Society Website or Facebook for meeting entry information several days prior to the scheduled meeting date.

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