The Archives

Volume XLVIX No. 1 - Summer 2021

Summer 2021... Looking Forward to a Return to 'Normal'

This Summer season, there are a few thoughts to be shared, as the Historical Society starts planning to once again welcome our friends, neighbors and members back into the Historic Glazier Tavern and help get us back to a 'normal' situation. This should not be a revelation, but a reminder that the events that happen today, become part of tomorrow’s history. Our organization which exists to help preserve the history of each of our past days, cannot exist without PEOPLE and MONEY, one without the other just doesn't work. The Historical Society needs people, YOU, who can donate your time and talents, whether you have a background in history or not. You don't have to remember dates, or names, or events, to make a difference in moving the organization forward “with our eyes on the past”. The 2nd part that we can't do without is money, because there are ongoing expenses. We have a beautiful building on the Town Green, but in order for it to be used to its greatest potential, money is needed for renovations to make it accessible to all. And then there are items like electricity, insurance, security system, postage, etc, etc that are regular occurrences.

PLEASE, consider helping by stepping forward and stepping up, with your presence and/or your monetary dues and donations. Our Willington history is important!

At the Tavern

With 2020 having pushed everyone and everything to the breaking point, the hope is that this year will offer us all, a little more breathing space to move on. For starters, the Society is hoping to start fund raising to help implement the necessary code compliance changes at the Glazier Tavern. The necessary work includes: a handicap accessible entrance at the rear of the building; two ramps; widening five doorways; an accessible parking space; accessible signage; egress lighting and an accessible family use toilet room. The estimate of these change-of-use code compliance items is approximately $15,000. At present, the Society has not been able to identify any matching grant opportunities to help offset the cost of this necessary project, although we continue to look for those opportunities. Any donations to assist with this project are welcomed and are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law, as the Willington Historical Society is a designated IRS 501(c)3 non -profit organization. The identified compliance changes will allow for greater use of the building by the Society and would allow us to offer the space for use by both public and private groups.


From the President’s Desk

A look over my shoulder

Ever notice how, over time, things run their course? Right. For me, I like to think of it in phases. It starts out as a challenge, getting to know where things are going, deciding if I’m headed in the right direction and then moving forward at a good speed.

To me it all sounds very similar - it started 25 plus years ago when Isabel Weigold would call once a year for help putting a historical display together at the 'Old Town Hall'. That intro eventually turned into a nearly 18 year run as President of the Willington Historical Society.

WOW, how did that happen? They say, time flies when you’re having fun. Looking ahead to this September's Annual Meeting, I'd like to announce that I will not be available for another 2 year term as President of the Willington Historical Society. I'm still interested in the overall thrust of the Society and will certainly plan on a role more attuned to the period of the tavern, the things that bring the tavern to life. I certainly understand that without interested interpretation when folks visit it's all just a collection of things.

I've thoroughly enjoyed my time as President. The Society and old 'stuff' is something that has always interested me and I wanted to help Mission accomplished, along with a great group of people, working hard together!

Bob Shabot, President 

Please help in any way that you can! No experience necessary, just a willingness to help Willington continue on the path to preserving its History! If you are interested in this leadership role, or any of our other volunteer positions, there are members who will support you as you “learn on the job”.

Odds & Ends at the Tavern

The Society has begun planning for an exhibit, highlighting the life of Willington native Jared Sparks (1789-1866). We hope to touch on his various life achievements as an editor, historian, minister, teacher and President of Harvard Collage. While starting with his impoverished beginnings in Willington and ending with his death in Cambridge, Massachusetts, we hope to clarify the questions surrounding his early years in Willington, his journey north and on to a prominent position in American History. If anyone has a knowledge of painting faux wood gaining, we could use your help bringing several period doors back to life.

Our 1850's three hole privy is in need of a caring carpenter(s) to extend its well being. If you would like a small historical project, this could be the one! This is a Willington original from Polster Road. We would like to restore it to near working condition. The Society is also looking to add older US flags to our archive.

HELP, the Willington Historical Society continues to be dependent on volunteers, members’ dues, and donations. That means we depend on you, our fellow townspeople, neighbors, and friends to keep the Society active and moving forward. During this past year of Covid-19 our expenses have continued, but our cash flow has become a trickle.

Help by considering a renewal of your membership or sending a donation today! You may accomplish this through the PayPal link on our website at: , or by mailing a check made out to

Willington Historical Society
P.O. Box 214
Willington, CT 06279

The Society is a designated 501(c)3 non-profit organization and donations are deductible as provided by law. Also, consider donating items, such as photographs, programs, memorabilia relating to or Town; 19th century tools, kitchen items or furniture, to the Society... instead of to the bins at the Transfer Station. The Transfer Station ships our history, by bits and pieces, out of town. Instead, these items may better help tell and support Willington’s historical story.

Questions and comments may be sent to our email at: